
Randy Curtis

Randy Curtis

Randy Curtis was the first sales person hired at AmeriGlobe over 34 years ago. His experience leans towards helping solve problems in the plastic resins and dry chemical arena. He holds a patent on our Baffle bag, and served as Chairman for the Fabric Standardization Committee of FIBCA. Randy holds a BS degree from Louisiana College in Pineville, LA. Randy is also an ordained minister, soloist, and has held roles as director of music in several church choirs. He is a Grandfather of six and loves gadgets.

What our customers have to say about Randy Curtis

“…response has always been prompt and expert.”
“…provide(d) the needed guidance in meeting customer requests.”
“(AmeriGlobe)…can provide state of the art FIBC solutions for Crompton and our customers.”
“I would highly recommend Randy Curtis and AmeriGlobe to anyone who has a need for the packaging services they offer.”

-Customer Focus Manager, Crompton Corp

“…exceptional products and services that we have received for the past ten years.”
“…never received a customer complaint related to packaging.”
“The relationship…has been very productive, resulting in technical and cost improvements…”
“We look forward to continuing our partnership of innovation…”

-Operations Manager, BASF

"Would like to thank you (Randy) and your team at Ameriglobe for your time and expertise in working with us to develop a bag which not only met our needs but also cost less than the bag we were purchasing. The packaging equipment we also purchased from Ameriglobe has increased our productivity and improved our efficiency in weight accuracy, appearance, and safety. You and your company’s technical knowledge and support have been excellent and hope to continue doing business in the future."

-Warehouse Leader, Honeywell International, Orange, Texas Plant

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AmeriGlobe is not a bulk bag broker that offers no support. We are the largest bulk bag manufacturer in the United States. Our combination of US production and managed overseas production gives you safe, competitive pricing, while we work with you to show huge freight cost and system based savings.